Saturday, September 27, 2008
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Happy Fourth of July America
I haven't been on here much lately. Because of my book, I have had to funnel my energy elsewhere. One thing that I will say is that google has made my life and job easier. Adwords and Google Alert have also helped me another organization that I write for. I am still new at this project but, I am learning quickly.
Lets hope that gas goes down so that the third and fourth quarters will get us out of this Bear Market.
Happy Birthday America.
Posted by
Carl Benjamin
6:13 AM
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Well my book is finally published. It can be purchased at,, and at .
The ISBN # is 1-60563-730-0
The book is a motivational autobiography for High School students trying to go through college. Through perserverance, a strong faith, and the ability to use Cross-Country running, I got my degree.
Posted by
Carl Benjamin
8:05 AM
Monday, May 12, 2008
Streams of Savings
With tough economic times on us, we often look to establish or build financial streams of income to our accounts. I recommend that you also start setting up streams for savings. You can open another checking account. You don't need any ATM cards just a few emergency checks for that rainy day.
If you have a Paypal account, work to build it up and keep a steady flow of some dollars in it.
Use your savings account to build for an emergency or a vacation or extra fuel expenses. You can make these accounts as large as you possibly can build them. If you can find a good interest investing account, set up a fund to start making some cash on the side through your savings. However, as bad as it is now, you won't make a lot.
Still Streams for Savings can be vital if major economic surprises come along, which they will.
Posted by
Carl Benjamin
11:40 AM
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Another Stimulus Package?
It was leaked last night that another package might be on it's way in the late fall. No confirmation on this yet. It was just mentioned by word of mouth. Evidently the economy take a bigger hit this summer with the rising cost of gasoline.
Posted by
Carl Benjamin
1:11 PM
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
The 401K Debit Card
Several financial Institutions are trying to establish a 401k debit card for retirees. This could be good but also bad for senior citizens. It is good, because it easier for seniors to get funds that they need for necessities instead of waiting for their check. It is bad because, it makes it easier for someone to loot their life long savings. Oh one other bit of information. There is a fee by the financial institution for using the card each time. You knew that they would get theirs.
Posted by
Carl Benjamin
9:00 AM
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Saving Money and Financial Help
I usually don't like to talk about personal things like what to do with money and I still won't. However, I would like to tell everyone about a unique blog that I came across. With your stimulus checks coming in, you might get some good ideas from this blog on how to use or save your money.
The name of the site is Get Rich Slowly. Evidently, this blog has been here for about three years. The individual who developed it was 35,000 dollars in debt three years ago. Now he is debt free. Along the way though he has had many ups and downs. the experiences that he relates is very interestin. You may want to check it out.
He also has a blog that refers to ING Direct. I took the time and checked it out. I was impressed with their savings plan. For those of you interested in savings, checkout their "Orange Account".
I know that the government wants us to spend the money. However, the way things are going with the economy, Maybe putting at least some away ism't a bad idea.
Posted by
Carl Benjamin
7:01 AM
Sunday, April 27, 2008
The High Price of Oil may be coming to an end
Everyone is wondering how much the cost of oil and gasoline is going to go. Two things may soon dictate a change to normalcy. Last week an automobile company in France announced that they had just finished a prottotype of car that runs on, are you ready for this, compressed air. The car is very lightweight and can't go a long way yet. However, with modern technology advancing and the cost of high gas fueling the push to make a change, this could very soon become reality. Think what that would do to the auto industry. A new line of car means more jobs. The old cars would become scrap metal. The oil industry would be turned upside down.
The other major event is a new discovery of oil in Brazil. It is said to rival that of the Middle East. Our attention would be shifted from the mideast to the gulf. A drastic change in many ways.
When and if one or both of these come to fruition, the price on oil and gas will drop.
Posted by
Carl Benjamin
9:27 PM