The High Price of Oil may be coming to an end
Everyone is wondering how much the cost of oil and gasoline is going to go. Two things may soon dictate a change to normalcy. Last week an automobile company in France announced that they had just finished a prottotype of car that runs on, are you ready for this, compressed air. The car is very lightweight and can't go a long way yet. However, with modern technology advancing and the cost of high gas fueling the push to make a change, this could very soon become reality. Think what that would do to the auto industry. A new line of car means more jobs. The old cars would become scrap metal. The oil industry would be turned upside down.
The other major event is a new discovery of oil in Brazil. It is said to rival that of the Middle East. Our attention would be shifted from the mideast to the gulf. A drastic change in many ways.
When and if one or both of these come to fruition, the price on oil and gas will drop.
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