Friday, May 27, 2011

The Macho Man and Memorial Day

This past week Randy (Macho Man) Savage passed away. I remember watching him in the wrestling ring. He played both sides of the coin. He was a heal and a good guy. I remember him best as an entertainer. Ohhhh Yeahhhhh!

This weekend we honor other individuals as well. The many men and women from all branches of the service that gave their lives for us. AMC (the television network) along with others will be showing Hollywood movies dedicated to those that have served.

Let us remember the real meaning of Memorial Day. Take a moment and remember those that gave their lives for us. The freedom that we have was upheld, as these individuals served us and our country well.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tornadoes Remind Us

The recent disaster in Joplin is a strong reminder of how fragile human life is. Our town was hit in 1948. Only a few individuals remain, that remember that day of blackness in March of that year.

Weather experts continue to try and develop faster warning techniques and methods. Regardless of what they develop, when a tornado hits we are all at its mercy. Individuals scramble for safety and there is no guarantee that a safe spot will protect us.

The most important fact to remember about tornadoes is to act quickly. Moving quickly to a safe place might be the only action we can do to increase our chances of survival. As the old saying goes. "Those that hesitate long, hesitate wrong."

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Flowers Flowers Everywhere

After the cold icy winter and the flooding waters of the April rain, flowers are beginning to pop up. I passed an outdoor florist this past week and just had to stop and take in the beautiful smells and eye poping colors.

The great thing about flowers is you don't have to buy and plant them, to appreciate them. They are one of Gods great gifts to us. A neat place to go is the Missouri Botanical Garden in St. Louis. For a small fee, you can enjoy the sights and odors of Spring.

Flowers are excellent for reminding us of how great our lives really are. So the next opportunity to enjoy some flowers, take the chance. It is well worth it.

Friday, May 20, 2011

The Beginning of the End?

According to Harold Camping, the Rapture is this weekend. It actually begins today at 4 pm. that is sunrise in Israel. As the sun goes around the earth, the rapture will pick up steam.

Many Atheists are planning "Rapture Parties". I don't know if I would go that far to celebrate. In an interview with the NY Times, Camping was asked what he would be doing on May 22? He said that he doesn't know because he will not be here. That is how convinced he is, that doomsday has arrived. He also predicted the rapture in 1994. However, back then, he claims to of had the wrong numbers.

The rapture will begin with an earthquake much larger than the one in Japan. It will circle the globe. It is estimated that only 3 out of 100 people will be swept up. The rest of us must wait until October for the final judgement. It could be a HOT SUMMER. Then again I wonder what the Mayans are thinking. After all, they said Dec 21, 2012 is the end as we know it.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Would You Return $40,000?

Recently a family in Utah found forty thousand dollars in their ceiling. They tracked down the family that use to live there and gave it all back. They got no finders fee or reward. I have several questions for you to consider.

1. How can anyone forget that there is that much money in their ceiling?

2. What was it doing in the ceiling?

3. Where did the money orginate from?

4. Would you return it, if you just purchased the property?

5. Would you expect some type of reward?

Now don't get me wrong. I know what the right thing to do is. However, this event does give one to pause and consider these four questions.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Shopping at Outlet Stores

Many individuals think there are great savings at outlet stores and malls. Here are a few helpful tips to search for those special deals.

1. Go to the back of the store first. Look for the clearance rack. The items there might be out of season or a year behind in style. there are deals there, if you can find what you are looking for.

2. Outlet items have dots on the label. This means this item was made just for outlets.

3. Don't go by the bright colored tag for a mark down. Green, pink, red etc. Always compare the actual cost to the sales cost.

4. Check for coupons for both the store and the manufacturer. Some individuals just get them from a paper. Check on line aand print up the coupons.

5. read and understand the coupon completely. There are time and product restrictions.

6. Look for defects. Ask the store clerk if there can be more of a savings on damaged goods.

7. Buy out of season. Many stores do not want to store out of style and season items.

8. Ask the clerk when will your next sale be on certain items.

9. Finally, get on the mailing list. Stores and manufacturers often send out coupons.

Happy shopping.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


I love to play trivia with my friends. We travel to local communities and participate. I have discovered several things about playing this fun game. Feel free to add in the comment section.

1. I eat too much. Some of my teammates have joined Weight Watchers. I can't begin to imagine how participating at this game is so tempting for them.

2. I hate it when people use cellphones after they have been told to turn them off.

3. The good door prizes are gone before my number gets called.

4. People won't shut up, when it is time to start.

5. Tables are too close. People can steal our answers.

6. My teammates that can't hear. They yell,"What did you say?"

7. Too long between questions.

8. One bowl restrooms.

9. People that ask," Are you donating your winnings back?"

10. People that argue about the correct answer.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

GOP Candidates Begin Lining Up

Newt has made his announcement to run for President. Many other GOP candidates will soon follow and begin announcing their desire to run. Soon to follow could be Donald Trump, Sarah Palin, Herman Cain, Gary Johnson, Fred Karger, Tom Miller, Ron Paul, Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty, Rick Santorum, Vern Wuensche and Mike Huckabee. Some have already declared and some or still deciding.

All of these will be taking their shot at up-seating President Obama. As the summer draws near, you can expect more political rhetoric from all candidates. GOP candidates will have a fine line to walk. They have to appease their own party members along with Tea Party members. This could stir up an interesting summer.

I wonder if the GOP candidates will just focus on Obama or will they actually establish a platform to help America. In the last election, their focus was on job creation. However, once they became elected officials, their focus has been on attacking the deficit (Not a bad idea) and attacking the Obama Health reform. Stay tuned.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Whatever Happened to the Doubleheader

I am a die hard Cardinal fan. However, in recent years I have noticed a lack of fielding, throwing and defensive strategies by pro players. Players can't even bunt effectively. Attendance across major league baseball is down. In some places, it is down at nearly 40%.

Most people can't afford to pay the price of seats at a ballgame. This is especially true the last few years.

I remember going to doubleheaders on Sunday afternoons. Some times they had doubleheaders on back to back weekend days. How great was that 2 for the price of 1. Those days are gone. American greed has set in and prices have soared. The doubleheaders is now a day-night set of games. They clear the stadium before game 2.

Don't even think about food and beer. The cost of a beer could by you a 6 pack of premium beer at the store. I am beginning to wonder if MLB is pricing them-self out of the market. More and more people are catching the games on TV. I know that I do. Still corporate America is buying up tickets and passing them out to customers and clients. The games go on.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mothers Day

Mothers Day is a very special day. None of us would be here without a mother. There is something that always bonds us together as a family unit. That thing is "LOVE". To keep this post short, so that we can enjoy the day. Happy Mothers Day to all the moms.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Saturday Adventures

Growing up, I loved Saturdays. No school and a fun day of activities. Even in my Senior years, I find Saturday to be exciting. Especially, when it doesn't rain. With many different things to do, it is sometimes hard to make up my mind. Let's see. I could go biking, hiking, shopping, work in the yard, cook on my deck, go out to eat, take my grandsons to the park, Spring Clean the house, take in a ball game and the list goes on.

I like to break up my day and do something during each time of the day. Chores in the morning, something in the afternoon and something in the evening. I try to keep the chores to a minimum. Saturday is too special to be wasted on work.

Movie Time? There are some good movies this weekend. Of course "Thor" is out but, there has been a lot of good comments about the chick flick "Something Borrowed." "Jumping the Broom" is also good. In the weeks to come, there will lots more good flicks coming out.

Anyway, enjoy the day.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Sticking Your Neck Out

The phrase "Sticking Your Neck Out" means you are about to enter into something that could be fearful or even dangerous to yourself.

Over my years, I have done this many times. You put your trust in someone or something. As Dirty Harry would say, "A man has to know his limitations." At my age, I think I am continually finding out my limitations.

Many times sticking our neck out can be beneficial to us. We just have to get over the fear part I suppose. At one time or another, we have all did this.

The moral of this story. Quit While You Are A Head," LOL

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Bike Riding for Fun and fitness

May is National Bike Month. Friday May 16 is the State of Illinois, Bike to work Day. I have always enjoyed biking around our little town. I really enjoy riding with my grandsons. Thank goodness the weather is getting better.

With gasoline costing an arm and a leg, biking in our small town is a great way to stay fit and save some cash. Before you bike, here is a few things to consider.

1. Check out your bike. Make sure it is safe and ready to go.

2. Wear a helmet.

3. Refresh the Illinois biking Rules of the Road.

4. Select a safe route to travel. Record your mileage. Miles can add up quickly on a bike. It is nice to know how far you bike.

5. Secure your bike, when you do not use it. You don't want it stolen.

6. Dress for the ride. Loose fitting clothes and bikes don't mix.

7. Ride with a friend. Partners are great for breakdowns and injuries. Besides, you will enjoy the experience better.

Biking is a great way to maintain fitness, have fun and thumb your nose at the gas stations.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Gas Prices Will Keep Me Home

There has to be a point of no return for gas prices. The high cost of gas prices are affecting the way we live. Families on fixed incomes are beginning to rethink other items they purchase and do.

Like many individuals, I am wondering if the high prices will peak or keep on climbing. Families can and will make adjustments, but at what price.

The high cost of gas keeps us from doing the things we use to do. If we car pool, we may have to wait on others at work. Instead of going straight home for family activites, we have to make the rounds of dropping everyone off. This also means an earlier start in our day.

I considered taking a vacation this summer. Not any more. Not at $4.19 a gallon. This will hurt the travel industry.

I am all about free interprise. But, someone is making a killing at these prices. I can only hope they start dropping soon.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

T-Ball Adventures

I have been involved with the higher skilled athletes for so long that I almost forgot what T-ball is like. Recently, my grandson has been practicing baseball on an instructional T-ball team. When the rain cancelled practice the last two times, you would have thought that the world was coming to an end. The question of "Why?" among the tear drops reminded me of how mother nature can be cruel to little ones.

My grandson has had four practices to date. Many parents help the coach to get some good beginning practices in. Most of the boys are picking up the game rather quickly. The hardest thing to do is keep them _all_ from chasing a ground ball and then diving into the grass on it at one time. There is something fun about diving into the grass and wrestling for the ball.

We are still some time away before actual game competition. However, once the weather starts drying out, I am sure that we will see some future Lance Berkmans.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama Bites the Bullet

Like many Americans, I was very surprised to hear of Bin Ladens death. I wonder why they buried him at sea. I would imagine that they video taped his body for proof. A burial at sea could set up more for conspiracy theorists.

This is a good day for America. It could eventually be a turning point in our war on terror. Now if we can just get rid of Gahdafi. God Bless America.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

The High School Prom

Last night I noticed pictures being taken out in many yards throughout our small town. It was prom night. I remember my two proms. They were and still are the biggest social event of the high school year. For young individuals, they can be nights to remember or nights to forget.

I taught high school for 33 years. I think that I only missed two proms, during that time. I was involved in 17 as a sponsor or adult chaperon. Proms have changed a lot in those years. We use to decorate the gym. We had themes of The Wild Wild West, Camelot. Alice in Wonderland, Putting on the Ritz, Happy Days and many more. Eventually, it became too expensive to buy decorations to throw away.

We moved the prom to various sights. We would rent a hall and hire a DJ instead of a band. Dinners became very expensive. It almost got to where we couldn't afford so much. Eventually, parents got involved by hosting an after prom. This was a great idea. Gifts would be given away to the students that spent the night in a secure location. We even gave away a car. Games, movies, entertainment and food would be provided. Parents would work to raise money for the after prom. All of this so the kids would have fun, but stay safe.

I remember seeing a movie called "Blood on the Highway". The movie was to scare us into not drinking while attending the prom. In later years, the State Police would put on a bad wreck exhibit and give a lecture on responsibility of the prom driver.

When I saw the pictures being taken, it brought back many memories of proms past. It still is a big event for teens.