Monday, May 9, 2011

Whatever Happened to the Doubleheader

I am a die hard Cardinal fan. However, in recent years I have noticed a lack of fielding, throwing and defensive strategies by pro players. Players can't even bunt effectively. Attendance across major league baseball is down. In some places, it is down at nearly 40%.

Most people can't afford to pay the price of seats at a ballgame. This is especially true the last few years.

I remember going to doubleheaders on Sunday afternoons. Some times they had doubleheaders on back to back weekend days. How great was that 2 for the price of 1. Those days are gone. American greed has set in and prices have soared. The doubleheaders is now a day-night set of games. They clear the stadium before game 2.

Don't even think about food and beer. The cost of a beer could by you a 6 pack of premium beer at the store. I am beginning to wonder if MLB is pricing them-self out of the market. More and more people are catching the games on TV. I know that I do. Still corporate America is buying up tickets and passing them out to customers and clients. The games go on.

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