Tuesday, June 12, 2007


I write part time for a content producer. The other day I did an article on Blueberries. Now how American is Blueberries? I learned a lot about the Blue Fruit. Most Blueberries come from our northern states. There are 38 States that grow Blueberries. They have more antioxidants in them than any other vegetable or fruit. Antioxidants are radical killers. In one way, they are like the Pac man eater. This is good for slowing the aging process. Studies in lab rats have shown that by eating a cup of Blueberries a day, your mental process is stronger.

The reason blueberries cost more in the winter at the market is because they are imported from South America. Fresh blueberries are better than dried or frozen. However, any type of Blueberry is good for your health. Blueberries are a lot of times associated with the Fourth of July for their blue color. Which brings me to my conclusion that Blueberries are a strong part of Americana.

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