Friday, May 20, 2011

The Beginning of the End?

According to Harold Camping, the Rapture is this weekend. It actually begins today at 4 pm. that is sunrise in Israel. As the sun goes around the earth, the rapture will pick up steam.

Many Atheists are planning "Rapture Parties". I don't know if I would go that far to celebrate. In an interview with the NY Times, Camping was asked what he would be doing on May 22? He said that he doesn't know because he will not be here. That is how convinced he is, that doomsday has arrived. He also predicted the rapture in 1994. However, back then, he claims to of had the wrong numbers.

The rapture will begin with an earthquake much larger than the one in Japan. It will circle the globe. It is estimated that only 3 out of 100 people will be swept up. The rest of us must wait until October for the final judgement. It could be a HOT SUMMER. Then again I wonder what the Mayans are thinking. After all, they said Dec 21, 2012 is the end as we know it.

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