Thursday, May 12, 2011

GOP Candidates Begin Lining Up

Newt has made his announcement to run for President. Many other GOP candidates will soon follow and begin announcing their desire to run. Soon to follow could be Donald Trump, Sarah Palin, Herman Cain, Gary Johnson, Fred Karger, Tom Miller, Ron Paul, Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty, Rick Santorum, Vern Wuensche and Mike Huckabee. Some have already declared and some or still deciding.

All of these will be taking their shot at up-seating President Obama. As the summer draws near, you can expect more political rhetoric from all candidates. GOP candidates will have a fine line to walk. They have to appease their own party members along with Tea Party members. This could stir up an interesting summer.

I wonder if the GOP candidates will just focus on Obama or will they actually establish a platform to help America. In the last election, their focus was on job creation. However, once they became elected officials, their focus has been on attacking the deficit (Not a bad idea) and attacking the Obama Health reform. Stay tuned.

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